The following is a list of equipment that we have found to be helpful.
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We hope you find these to be useful.
Equipment List: Purchasing a new RV is only half the fun of ownership. There are dozens and dozens of new tools, accessories, and fun toys you can purchase to fill up that empty storage compartment. Here are some of the items we’ve added to our Class-B RV contents. This isn’t a complete list since there is always something new coming out, but it will give new owners a starting point.


SensorPush Thermometers
These are my favorite things! They’re easy to use and can be used inside or outside your RV. Place one in the freezer, one in the refrigerator, or wherever else you need to know the temperature and humidity.
They’re one of those brilliant ideas that make you wonder why no one else has thought of them before. They monitor temperature and humidity remotely and display the data on your phone or tablet. It’s simple to set up, and you can even set up notifications. They also offer a Gateway Hub that connects the sensors to the internet, allowing you to access the data from practically anywhere on the planet that has internet.
TIP#080: Temperature Sensors – We installed four sensors in our van: fridge, freezer, inside, and one outside the van. As you may have read, we had an electrical fire in our van. One of the sensors was right next to the cabinet where the fire started. Amazingly, the sensor housing melted and fell off the wall, but it kept on recording the temperature and humidity. Thanks to this awesome little sensor, we have the date and time of the fire as well as how hot it got inside the van.
The folks at SensorPush were as impressed with the little sensor’s survival skills as we were and offered to replace the melted sensors. I wish all businesses provided such excellent customer service. Thank you so much, folks!

TIP#030: Window Covering – The gold standard in window coverings for Sprinter vans is Quest Overland. They’re significantly superior to the ones that came with our Sprinter RV from the factory in terms of quality and fit. Window blinds are magnetically attached and may be folded down for a bit of extra light or quickly removed for a complete view of the outside world. Most Sprinter vans can be fitted with Quest blinds for the windshield, side, and rear doors.
Upcoming Reviews:
Exterior Windshield Cover with screens
TV Antennas
Tire Lug Wrench
Dash Cameras
Bedding Options
Mobile Device Apps
Solar Shower
Bicycle Accessories